A car accident in Atlantic City led to the death of a man, according to police. The accident took place at the intersection of East Delilah Road and Atlantic Avenue when a driver heading westbound on Delilah Road struck a driver heading eastbound. The force of the accident was significant enough to cause the vehicles to spin out of control.
For the family of a person lost in an accident like this, getting answers as to who was at fault is often critical. That takes research and investigative support from an Atlantic County car accident attorney. Requesting support from a local car accident attorney can offer help.
A Devastating Outcome in This Case
Investigators were working to understand what occurred in this case. The driver heading westbound died as a result of the accident, and the other driver was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The driver of the westbound vehicle also had two young children in the car at the time of the accident but did not have any significant signs of injuries initially.
Tragic accidents involving death that are fully preventable are hard for families to navigate. Knowing who is to blame can be so important to getting peace of mind. It can also be critical to seek financial support to navigate the future without that party.
If you lost your family member in a car accident, hire the wrongful death attorneys at Kwartler Manus to provide you with the legal insight you need to hold those who hurt your family accountable.