Pennsylvania State Police reported a driver died in an accident at the Woodlyn Avenue and Valley Ford Road intersection. The accident is being investigated, but police provided some basic insight, noting the driver was stopped at the intersection before the vehicle suddenly launched forward. The vehicle entered into oncoming traffic and was struck by a pickup truck as a result.
Police are certain to investigate a case like this, but basic information may not be enough for family members. In these fatal car accidents, working with an experienced lawyer can be critical in getting all the necessary information. Contacting a car accident lawyer in Pennsylvania can offer that type of assistance.
Driver Was Taken to the Hospital
The driver in this accident was taken to the hospital but was pronounced deceased. The driver of the pickup truck did not suffer any injuries. Police have not confirmed what caused the driver to enter into traffic suddenly. Factors such as a medical emergency or even the slip of a foot off the brake pedal onto the gas could cause a tragedy like this. Other factors could be at play as well.
Legal assistance can be critical for accident victims in protecting their rights. If a close family member died in a tragedy someone else may have caused, contact the legal team at Kwartler Manus for insight and guidance. You can always request a free consultation to determine whether your loved one was the victim of a personal injury.