How is Belviq linked to Lung Cancer

The weight-loss drugs Belviq (lorcaserin) and Belviq XR were officially recalled by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in February 2020, as research has found they may cause cancer. Clinical trials found an increased diagnosis of cancer, particularly lung cancer, in individuals that used the drug.

What is Belviq

Belviq was created as an accompaniment to weight loss therapy of a reduced-calorie diet and increased exercise. The drug was developed to promote weight loss by reducing feelings of hunger in the consumer. It was approved by the FDA for adults considered obese, as well as overweight adults with comorbidities that could increase heart disease risk, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or type 2 diabetes.

Study Shows Belviq May Cause Lung Cancer

Belviq was initially rejected by the FDA due to concerns from committee members regarding studies that showed tumors in rats exposed to the drug. FDA committee members were also concerned about putting any potential long-term users at risk of unknown side effects.

The FDA later approved Belviq in 2012 with the stipulation that manufacturers conduct a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study to prove the drug’s safety. However, approving the drug before the research was complete may have put lives at risk. The five-year trial found higher incidences of cancer in patients taking Belviq than in those taking the inactive placebo. Further, they concluded that an individual’s cancer risk rose the longer they were taking Belviq and that certain cancers including lung cancer were more prevalent.

The Belviq trial showed that the drug could increase the risk of the user developing lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death in the US. Lung cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women and is diagnosed most often in people 65 or older.

Lawsuits against Belviq manufacturers

Consumers across the nation are filing lawsuits against Belviq manufacturer Eisai Inc., for causing their cancer diagnoses. They are backed by evidence showing that the company did not conduct proper research of lorcaserin side effects before releasing it to the market, failed to recognize the connection between lorcaserin and cancer, and intentionally stalled its recall from stores.

Though Belviq has officially been recalled by the FDA, it may be too late for some who have been taking the drug regularly. Those patients diagnosed with lung cancer since consuming lorcaserin deserve to be compensated for their suffering, and our attorneys here at Kwartler Manus, LLC are here to help them collect it.

The case study found that Belviq caused a variety of cancers, but the cancers most frequently diagnosed in Belviq users are:

  • Lung
  • Pancreatic
  • Colorectal

How the experienced attorneys at Kwartler Manus, LLC. can help

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with lung cancer after using Belviq (lorcaserin) or Belviq XR, contact us online or at (267) 457-5570 today. We can help you get the compensation and justice you deserve, for damages including continuous treatment, related expenses, and pain and suffering.

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